Warcraft II v0.4 alpha
Warcraft II v0.4 alpha
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: This application is a port of the famous RTS engine Stratagus under Android.
Based on this engine run a few games, including Wargus copy of Warcraft II -
To successfully run the game requires the data files from the original CD Warcraft II.
! Attention!
This is an alpha version, though already quite playable on the device and available to me emulator
is no problem with good fps and no crashes, the main features of the game works, sound
No! If you do not start or crashes, please attach the output adb logcat, try
understand. The interface offers accepted – but free time
blunt coding – the realization ryushechek etc. no …
At the moment the port is working on android 2.1 and above, version 1.6 will be available later.
The screen size is not restricted, but the standard 480×320 3.2 “to play hard as a fine interface.
Original resolution 640×480 games to display in full-screen picture reskalitsya,
smoothing when this is disabled by default switched on Menu> Antialiasing.
DPAD – movement on the map (you can also permeschatsya with Minimap in the upper left corner)
VOL_UP – ‘m’
VOL_DOWN – ‘a’
BACS – ‘s’
APK + SD: [برای مشاهده لینک ها باید عضو انجمن ها باشید . ] II v0.4 alpha apk & sd .zip