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موضوع: بازی موبایل آندروید - Pocket Legends (3D MMO) v.1.6.0

  1. #1
    مدیرکل انجمنهای نور آسمان vorojax آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2008
    محل سکونت
    همشهری حضرت عشق
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 0 بار در 0 ارسال

    پیش فرض بازی موبایل آندروید - Pocket Legends (3D MMO) v.1.6.0

    Pocket Legends (3D MMO) v.1.6.0

    Pocket Legends (3D MMO) v.1.6.0
    Requirements: Android
    Overview: “World of Warcraft in your pocket” – Yahoo! Tech.
    Pocket Legends is the world’s first 3d Mobile MMO, providing on-the-go gameplay to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The game’s pick-up-and-play format, expandable nature, and unparalleled instanced gameplay have helped it become an overnight mobile sensation.
    Pocket Legends is on-the-go gameplay with hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
    Rotate and resize the world by swiping and pinching/ spreading your fingers.
    Move your character around with the Virtual Joystick or tap-to-move.
    Interact with the world by tapping on your MAIN ATTACK button.
    Use your Skills to augment your character’s effectiveness.
    Chat with others in the zone by tapping the CHAT button.
    Trigger special animations by tapping EMOTE button.
    Toggle your minimap by tapping the MAP button.
    Pop a potion by tapping either the HEALTH or MANA buttons.
    Possible fix for the crash when reviving or continuing onto the next dungeon.
    Recent changes:
    You can now attempt to verify your account from within the game.
    There is now an option to preview an item on your avatar in the consignment shop.
    There is now an option to preview an item on your avatar in secure trade.
    Added support for running at a reduced frame rate to improve battery life
    Fixed a bug where it was possible to delete the wrong character.
    Fixed various client crashes
    Fixed some cases where you would have to log out and back to continue playing if your inventory was full.
    Install Instructions:
    Have about 20-30 MB free on phone
    Copy .apk to SD and install.
    This installer then auto moves app2SD
    File: APK | Size: 28,36 MB |Language: English

    Download Links:
    APK: [برای مشاهده لینک ها باید عضو انجمن ها باشید . ] SD: [برای مشاهده لینک ها باید عضو انجمن ها باشید . ]
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